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SQLBOX v1.1: New Tor-Manager and Git-Dumper implemented


SQLBOX v1.1: New Tor-Manager and Git-Dumper implemented

The new version 1.1 of SQLBOX has just been released. The update now brings support for the Tor network as well as new features for the software. Users of the software have asked that we implement support for Tor. So we did that. And there is now even a new area in the software that is specially designed for future features.

In order not only to realize the possibility for Tor, but also to have a little more options, we have developed our own Tor manager and built it into the software. With the Tor Manager in SQLBOX you can start the proxy on an individual port on your computer and then use the scans with it. The whole thing works very easily.

The “Exploiter” area will be filled with many additional tools in the future. The start is made by the “Git-Dumper”, which has now been implemented in SQLBOX. This feature allows you to export Git directories from a vulnerable website. So if the target website has a Git directory unprotected on the server, you can use the “Git Dumper” to dump this entire directory and save it on your computer. The software creates a special subfolder for this purpose.

We are already planning further features for future versions and will implement them piece by piece. SQLBOX users can download the update from the user area, of course at no additional cost. If you have not yet decided to buy SQLBOX, you should now have another good reason to buy.

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